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Our mission is to create and provide useful and accessible high quality services in our city and to share educational information in the local service industry.

American Acp Inc

Licensed services in Miami-Dade County # 20BS00072

American Acp Inc is a company dedicated to cleaning service and Window and Door Installing.


We like to work well and maintain a happy and healthy environment in services. Our main objective is to keep our customers happy by helping to maintain a clean and organized environment in their homes and at work.


We believe a lot in that a clean organized environment contributes to feeling good and feeling good is synonymous with happiness, in reality our organization that is what makes us feel good and happy.


Important factors in American Acp Inc to maintain good quality  service. Energy, good attitude, experience, system and time.


We believe that these 5 mentioned aspects are the basis to maintaining a Best service with good quality not only for the cleaning service. We believe that it applies to any work that you want to perform in the best way.


Many organizations and people in the day to day factor these factors very lightly because they see them as simple and they study them thoroughly but in reality they are the starting point for any project that wants to be successful.

At American Acp Inc, we like to be actively with daily learning because we understand the constant changes we are experiencing and that creates a good culture to provide a high quality cleaning service.


Licensed services in Miami-Dade County # 20BS00072


Licensed & Insured
Contractor  Lic#20BS00072

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What's included in a standard home cleaning service? 1 St House Cleaning Miami.

What's included in a standard home cleaning service? 1 St House Cleaning Miami.

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House Cleaning Services

House Cleaning Services

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