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Terms and Conditions

 Licensed services in Miami-Dade County # 20BS00072

Our web site offers the visitors various mechanisms to register data, subscribe to our e-mail newsletters or to request more information.
The transmission of unsolicited email or spam is expressly prohibited.

Use of the information. American Acp, Inc Home  Cleaning and Office cleaning at United States

Our website will never share, sell or rent information or email addresses of any visitor or subscriber. Subscribers’ email addresses are protected as we are using the service of Aweber Communications, one of the best, safest, and most recognized worlds wide in all languages.

This site includes all the necessary technical measures to protect the information of the users. When users send their information through the web site, your name, and email are protected both online and offline.

In the cases that additional data such as full name, address, credit card numbers, among others; they are requested for the purchase of some of our products, these data will be collected and used by the online payment platforms, called “payment gateways”, belonging to outside firms that have no link with our web page, in addition to the provision of the service, in addition, all these have a secure server and the full recognition at the global level as platforms for secure payment.

When the companies that we offer the service of receiving payments collect this information, our page never is able to access your personal data.

We invite you to consult the terms and privacy policy of the companies that we are providing this service and which will be able to know in the time before you want to make any purchase.

Cookies. American Acp, Inc Home  Cleaning and Office cleaning at United States

This topic is detailed in our Privacy Policies.

Procedure to disabled or unsubscribe
This procedure as detailed in our Privacy Policies.

Links to third party sites
Our site may provide links to other web sites, but we have no control over these external sites, knowledge that our web site provides these sites only for your benefit and furthermore accepts that we are not responsible for the content of such external sites and its use is subject to the terms of use and privacy policies located on the link of these sites.
We offer the possibility to review, correct, or delete any personally identifiable information that you have provided.

Notification of changes
Each time our website modify any aspect of your Privacy Policy and/or Terms and Conditions; these changes appear reflected in the same page.

Use of Personal Information in the
Form we ask only the visitor’s name, in order to customize the emails that you receive in the future (you do not need a second name, or last name) and address of the e-mail where you will be sent future information.
If you completed the registration in the form or has written comments on our blog, we may use your information to send recommendations, new releases, promotions, announcements of new articles published in the future, own products of the owner of the web site, advertising and promotional information about AdWords and other communications related to the theme of the web site.

Anti-Spam Policy
We have a strict policy against spam.
In the foot or at the end of each message sent through our system includes a link to unsubscribe that allows you to auto low of subscribers who do not wish to receive further emails.

What is spam?
According to the definition of spam is called to the sending of all email that is both massive and not requested.
Unsolicited means that whoever receives it has not granted verifiable permission for the message to be sent to you. Mass means that the message is sent as part of a large number of messages of virtually identical content.
A message is considered spam only if it meets both conditions at the same time.

Why is that it is not appropriate to make spam?
Spam is not only illegal in many countries, but it is also very counterproductive for those who practice. If your company makes spam, your image will deteriorate, will generate mistrust and nobody will want to leave your data to receive personalized information and relevant.
In addition, this practice in general has penalties of a technical nature on the part of the e-mail services, such as being added to black lists, the lock or the well known sent to your spam by webmail services.
These penalties are very difficult to lift if you do not change the behavior and can cause harm to the legitimate shipments you want to do in the future, or even to your company’s communications with customers and suppliers via email.

Contract.  American Acp, Inc Home  Cleaning and Office cleaning at United States

To register as a subscriber in our system you agree with the privacy policy. By accepting this Agreement you agree that you will not sell or rent the email addresses that you can collect using the system and that you will not use these addresses to send unsolicited email.
You can contact us via:
1. – Mail:
2. – Contact:

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